Vaulted Ceiling Insulation Retrofit Cool Roof System

Cathedral vaulted or any ceiling that has insulation blocking the airflow from the soffit vents to the attic needs an attic baffle in each rafter bay.
Vaulted ceiling insulation retrofit cool roof system. It has the built up down rafters you have mentioned. Venting a roof with vaulted trusses requires the installation of soffit vents. I have a 22 year old home with a great room and cathedral ceiling. From inside it is v groove pine probably no taped sheetrock beneath but i wasn t around when it was built and 12 inch fiberglass with kraft paper.
Although the ceiling still vaults there is plenty of space between the drywall and the top chord of the roof truss. Unvented roof assemblies such as conditioned attics and unvented cathedral ceilings are becoming common in north american construction. If you would like instructions on how to install insulation in the ceiling or just want more information on the cathedral ceiling insulation installation process check out this cathedral ceiling insulation installation guide or feel free to call us today on 1800 354 717. Super insulation retrofits refer to home improvements that go the extra mile to reduce the energy required to heat and cool a home.
Having a vaulted ceiling may sound ideal but retrofitting a house with one is often cost prohibitive. Thanks for this excellent blog. While fiberglass insulation is an excellent and effective product for insulating most building cavities in areas where there is extra risk of trapping moisture and thus rot or mold infections such as crawl spaces and cathedral ceilings where roof venting may be absent or minimal we prefer to use closed cell foam insulation products or spray in icynene foam insulation. Once this happens the water drips into your insulation or soaks into the roof sheathing.
Without an attic baffle there will not be any air space for fresh air to enter the attic from the soffit vents. These assemblies are created by eliminating ventilation openings and moving the thermal moisture and air control boundaries to the plane of the roof deck. If the attic is finished with a sloped cathedral ceiling adding extra insulation is much more difficult. A cathedral ceiling insulation retrofit is usually easier in comparison to underfloor or wall retrofits.
Changing the roof structure adding the proper insulation and relocating mechanical components.